Trip Driving Log

If you are interested in the details of where we actually drove and how long it took us, the following table is a reproduction of the driving log we kept during our trip.   It might be handy for those following our route, or a similar one, to determine realistic expectations for daily driving distances and travel times.  There is nothing worse than setting off on what you think (based on the nice straight bold line shown on your map) will be an easy day’s drive, just to find yourself slogging along some forgotten mud track winding through the jungle with no hope of making it to your destination in time for cocktail hour, let alone sundown.  We had a few of these experiences, and hopefully this log might be of help to some future prudent traveler in avoiding our follies.  

The table is long, and admittedly hard to read due to the small writing, so for convenience sake you can download the whole spreadsheet to get a better look by clicking the following link:

[download id=”4″]


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