The Acropolis


Apologies, once again, for the hiatus in our narrative. Life with a 7 month old has a way of running, or in Hadley’s case, crawling away from you. But more on that as soon as we finish our odyssey through the Aegean. And picking up where we left off…
We finally arrived at the Acropolis. Some of us had been waiting all day, and some of us our whole lives, to see this most venerable of all ancient sights. You could literally feel the history of the place bearing down on your shoulders, or was that the 100 degree noon sun? In any case, it was amazing. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle never dreamed that someday I would be walking the same polished marble paths, sitting under the same chiseled columns, and gazing out over the same dramatic view from the heights of the Acropolis as they did. But I was, and we were. You can’t help but feel a real, and enveloping connection to humanity’s past in a place like this, even if we were a good millennium and a half late to the party.

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